Installation of Software and Database

You have downloaded TF FileX either as a TAR.GZ file or fby checkout from a CVS server.

In case of a TAR.GZ file you have to extract the file in a folder of your choice.

In case of a CVS server the files will be downloaded individually from the CVS server.

Installation of TS FileX.

Create a folder on your web server for TS FileX, which we call parentFolder.

Now create these folders:





Give web server read access to all folders.

Give web server write access to parentFolder/files

Copy all files and folders from extracted TAR.GZ file to parentFolder/web

Copy parentFolder/web/samples/settings/settings.ini to parentFolder/settings/settings.ini

Edit parentFolder/settings/settings.ini to set your MySQL server settings and database name.

Create FileX database under MySQL server.

There are different ways to create a MySQL database.

You can create a MySQL database from the command line.

Type: mysql -u -p -e "create database FileX" is login name

Enter MySQL server password

To create the tables run script in parentFolder/sql/Filex_empty.sql

To login to MySQL type in shell: mysql -u <username> -p

In command prompt of MySQL type:

use <Filex database>;

source <path/to/parentFolder/sql/Filex_empty.sql>;


Substitute <Filex database> and <path/to/parentFolder/sql/Filex_empty.sql> for your values.

Setup your TS FileX web server according to the instructions of your web server.

For example an Apache virtual web server can be setup by adding these lines to configuration file /etc/httpd.conf

DocumentRoot /var/www/hosts/tsfilex/web

ServerName filex.tsl010

DirectoryIndex index.php

Restart your web server.

Setup a DNS entry for your web server in either your DNS server or /etc/hosts

To test name resolution go to a shell and type: ping filex.tsl010

In this case I used the name of the above Apache example.

You should get a reply by the web server.

If not, you have to resolve this problem before continuing.

Now you are ready to test your web server.

Suppose your TS FileX web server is running on you localhost with server name filex.tsl010

The server name can be anything you like. This name is taken from the example above.

Open a web browser and type: http://filex.tsl010/admin/test/test.php

The string "http://" is required by some browsers, like IE.

If you have setup your web server properly you should see a page with some test buttons.

If not:

- check web server log

- check if name resolution is working: DNS record or /etc/hosts

- check if default web server is working

Perform the tests on the test page.

If all tests are working you are ready to use the system.

Login with: http://filex.tsl010

This will create a default Admin.

Setup a new Admin and remove the default Admin immediately afterwards.

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About TS FileX


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